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Trouble with Captain's call exhaust

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Old 02-03-2014, 03:29 AM   #1
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Default Trouble with Captain's call exhaust

I'm afraid my husband bought someones Frankenstein boat :/.... It is what it is and is now ours so here we go!

One of this issues is we don't even know where the switch for the captains call is? Can anyone tell me where it is normally located?

Next the exhaust is currently going both thru the hull exhaust and prop exhaust....where should I start looking for the root of this problem?

Thanks in advance!

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Justin & Shae
1992 Shabah Z198, 350 mag, se116
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  • Old 02-03-2014, 12:43 PM   #2
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    Default Re: Trouble with Captain's call exhaust

    I don't have the thru-hull exhaust on mine, but I'll try and help. The switch is usually located on the dash, and it will be labeled "Exhaust" , or if it's not labeled, it could be wired into one of the "Accessory" switches.

    The system you've most likely got is a "Silent Choice" system made by Mercruiser (unless it was replaced by the previous owner with a Corsa Captain's Call kit). The silent choice is kind of a different system as it uses air controlled diverters to direct the exhaust flow, rather than electrical solenoids (like the Corsa kit). If you're getting the exhaust through both the thru-hulls and the prop, then you either have an issue with the diverters themselves, the relief valve, the hoses, or the pump. There should be a small pneumatic air pump somewhere in your engine bay. I'd start some investigation there, just to make sure it's got power (check fuses, and ground), and if it seems to be functioning, and then move to the relief valve. I don't know much about this, but I read it's a common problem with these systems, and sometimes it needs to be cleaned. Then check the hoses. Mix up some soapy water into a spray bottle, and spray all the areas where there's hose connections. If you've got bubbles, then you've got an air leak and you'll need to replace the hoses. Then move up to the diverters. Flip the switch on the dash multiple times, and watch for them to move. Make sure they're engaging from full closed to fully opened. If they're not, then you've found your problem!

    Hopefully someone else can chime in here with their experiences, but maybe this will point you in the right direction. If you do some google searching on "mercruiser silent choice" you'll find a lot of hits onto offshoreonly.com, which has a decent amount of info there. The general consensus there is, most hardcore racing people replace the system with a Corsa, because of the electric solenoids. But, there's also a bit of info on service and repair of the mercruiser kit for those who don't have the $1-2k to install the new corsa kit. Hope this helps...
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    Thank you ShabahZ280 for this useful post!
    J&SColton (02-03-2014)
    Old 02-03-2014, 01:10 PM   #3
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    Default Re: Trouble with Captain's call exhaust

    Thank you that definitely points me in the direction to start. One of the issues with locating the switch is that the panel with labels is faded and I can no longer read which switch is what.

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    Justin & Shae
    1992 Shabah Z198, 350 mag, se116
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    Old 02-04-2014, 01:11 AM   #4

    luke7575 is currently offline
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    Default Re: Trouble with Captain's call exhaust

    i have the captains call and in my boat its not labeled but its in the middle to the right of the steering wheel, as far as function u should b able to hear a very different sound when on or off if not ur solenoids might b bad, go online to corsa exhaust they have a checklist u can go thru to check what could b wrong
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    Thank you luke7575 for this useful post!
    J&SColton (02-04-2014)


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