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Jimmy Buffett Concert, Cincinnati 7/26/07

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Old 07-27-2007, 02:52 PM   #1
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Default Jimmy Buffett Concert, Cincinnati 7/26/07

So, here's my official writeup.

Jimmy Buffett comes to town once a year, and draws huge crowds on both the land and the Ohio River. "Parrottheads" as they're called, swarm the land with hula skirts, coconut bras, straw hats, hawaiian shirts, leis, and shark fins. Usually fueled by massive amounts of Margaritas and Corona, it's always a good time.

Rain was starting to get me a little worried, as it was pouring down rain at 5:30pm, and the concert was starting at 8. I decided to brave it, and head down to the harbor. Got launched, picked up my friends and we were off. I pulled around the bend, and the first pic is the sight from about two miles away. It's a constant wall of boats! Probably about 150 Houseboats, pontoons, cruisers, cigarette boats, all decorated with inflatable palm trees, tiki party stuff, barbeque grills, someone even had a 8x8 screen and an LCD projector on top of the boat! I made the initial sightseeing round and then found a good spot. Anchor went out, then came the USCG Auxilliary to tell us to pull anchor and move. How convenient. Time to find another spot!

We settled close to the back, in between some big Carvers so we could get back to the harbor in time to get my boat loaded on the trailer. I'm real hesitant about tieing up to people, only because I don't want to damage the boat (that'll lighten up after a few more payments!) Then my friend Joe told me, "Dude, turn your Sirius to Radio Margaritaville, they're broadcasting the concert live!" So the radio volume went up, and we had a "front row seat" for the concert on the water!!

As the night went on, alcohol started flowing like water, and spotlights began shining on all the boats... Bikini tops were coming up, and horns were blaring. We were in the back of the action, and still saw 3 different "sets". Sorry guys, I tried, but the pics were too blurry!

Overall, a blast. Being able to hear the concert was definitely a plus. Wish I could have gotten there early and tied up to someone in the middle of the action, but still, even where we were was great!

Check out the pics. And for my Canadian friends, check out the Mahogany boat with the Canadian flag on the back!
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Last edited by ShabahZ280; 07-27-2007 at 02:55 PM.
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  • Old 07-27-2007, 08:06 PM   #2
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    Cool review and pics to go with it ! How the heck does everyone raft up, anchor and not swing around and bump into everyone.. lol.

    btw that mahogany boat almost looks like a boat from these guys.....


    Made up in Huntsville, Ontario. About an hour north of my cottage. They tend to do boat shows up in Orillia / Toronto.
    ~ Ryan
    Sparrow Lake - Trent Severn Waterway boater
    Owner of the 3.0L Powerhouse!
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    Old 07-27-2007, 08:56 PM   #3
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    Yeah, I had a hard enough time anchoring myself, let alone the weight of a few others, if they tied up! Anchoring behind that place is rough as it has a mainly sandy bottom. It seems to be the only place on the river anchoring is a problem. Yet somehow those big boats stayed still.

    Maneuvering was quite a pain, and very nerve-racking when you're parked around about 6 $300,000+ boats.

    Those Blackbird boats are beautiful! I'll bet they're going for a pretty penny!
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    Old 08-07-2007, 05:11 PM   #4
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    Originally Posted by ShabahZ250 View Post
    Yeah, I had a hard enough time anchoring myself, let alone the weight of a few others, if they tied up! Anchoring behind that place is rough as it has a mainly sandy bottom. It seems to be the only place on the river anchoring is a problem. Yet somehow those big boats stayed still.

    Maneuvering was quite a pain, and very nerve-racking when you're parked around about 6 $300,000+ boats.

    Those Blackbird boats are beautiful! I'll bet they're going for a pretty penny!
    If you need to ask .. you cant afford the Blackbirds! LOL. I think they are over $100,000 CDN. I think it was mentioned on the webpage somewhere, maybe pushing $150k's CDN.
    ~ Ryan
    Sparrow Lake - Trent Severn Waterway boater
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